7 Lessons from 7 Ultramarathons in 7 days.

In February 2024 I completed 7 ultramarathons in 7 days across the 7 United Arab Emirates in support of the Sudan refugee crisis with the UNHCR. Running 50 kilometres, starting at 3am & moving up to 3 hours to the next location every single day, here are 7 lessons I learnt.

1. When a task seems too big to conquer, break it down into segments. 2.5km 20 times, feels far more manageable than 50km. Focus on one part at a time.

2. Control your inner narrative. You can talk yourself into, and out of, almost anything. The mind quits way before the body does.

3. Temporary pain, permanent fulfilment. Pain only lasts so long, but the feeling of having completed what you said you would is permanent.

4. Go your own pace. Comparison is useless, unless it’s against your former self. We are all starting at different places, with unique circumstances.

5. Prioritise long term over short term. Make decisions your future self will thank you for. Moving at a speed that is unsustainable or not investing time in recovery will create problems further down the line.

6. Physical health is foundational for a good life. Our entire experience of the world depends on the vessel that carries us, take care of it, listen to it.

7. If your legs can’t carry you, let your mind do it. Nobody can do it for you, and if you’re going to do it, you may as well do it like it’s easy.

There were many running-specific lessons, like not changing to different shoes halfway through & optimising nutrition on a plant-based diet, but I’ll save those for another day. These lessons are for life, I hope they resonate!



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